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English abbreviation dictionary - neat


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physiol. abbr.
Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis physiol. abbr.
Non Exercise Activity Thermogenisis NASA abbr.
Near Earth Asteroid Tracker NASA abbr.
Network Of Educator Astronaut Teachers NASA abbr.
Near Earth As Teroid mil. abbr.
Near Earth Asteroid Tracking religion abbr.
National Evangelism Action Team law abbr.
Neighborhood Enforcement And Assistance Team gen. bus. abbr.
Network Execution And Transfer System
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  (neater, neatest) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A neat place, thing, or person is tidy and smart, and has everything in the correct place. She undressed and put her wet clothes in a neat pile in the corner. ...a girl in a neat grey flannel suit... Everything was neat and tidy and gleamingly clean. ADJ: usu ADJ n • neatly He folded his paper neatly and sipped his coffee... At the door was a neatly dressed, dignified man. = tidily ADV: ADV with v • neatness The grounds were a perfect balance between neatness and natural wildness. = tidiness N-UNCOUNT 2. Someone who is neat keeps their home or possessions tidy, with everything in the correct place. ‘That’s not like Alf,’ he said, ‘leaving papers muddled like that. He’s always so neat.’ = tidy ? untidy ADJ • neatly He had maybe a thousand tapes, all neatly labelled and catalogued. = tidily ADV: ADV with v • neatness ...a paragon of neatness, efficiency and reliability. = tidiness N-UNCOUNT 3. A neat object, part of the body, or shape is quite small and has a smooth outline. ...a faded woman with neat features. ...neat handwriting. ADJ: usu ADJ n • neatly She was a small woman, slender and neatly made. ADV: ADV -ed 4. A neat movement or action is done accurately and skilfully, with no unnecessary movements. A neat move between Black and Keane left Nigel Clough in the clear, but his shot skimmed wide of the far post. ? clumsy ADJ: usu ADJ n • neatly He watched her peel and dissect a pear neatly, no mess, no sticky fingers. ? clumsily ADV: ADV with v 5. A neat way of organizing, achieving, explaining, or expressing something is clever and convenient. It had been such a neat, clever plan... Neat solutions are not easily found to these issues... = nice ADJ • neatly Real people do not fit neatly into these categories... = nicely ADV: ADV with v • neatness He knew full well he had been outflanked, and he appreciated...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  (plural ~ or ~s)  Etymology: Middle English neet, from Old English neat; akin to Old High German noz head of cattle, Old English neotan to make use of, Lithuanian nauda use  Date: before 12th century the common domestic bovine (Bos taurus)  II. adjective  Etymology: Middle French net, from Latin nitidus bright, ~, from nitere to shine; probably akin to Middle Irish niam luster  Date: 1542  1. free from dirt and disorder ; habitually clean and orderly  2.  a. free from admixture or dilution ; straight ~ brandy ~ cement  b. free from irregularity ; smooth ~ silk  3. marked by tasteful simplicity a ~ outfit  4.  a. precise, systematic  b. marked by skill or ingenuity ; adroit  5. net ~ profit  6. fine, admirable  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  III. adverb  Date: 1649  1. in a ~ manner his hair combed back ~ — J. M. Cain  2. without admixture or dilution ; straight ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. adj. 1 tidy and methodical. 2 elegantly simple in form etc.; well-proportioned. 3 (of language, style, etc.) brief, clear, and pointed; epigrammatic. 4 a cleverly executed (a neat piece of work). b deft; dextrous. 5 (of esp. alcoholic liquor) undiluted. 6 US sl. (as a general term of approval) good, pleasing, excellent. Derivatives neatly adv. neatness n. Etymology: F net f. L nitidus shining f. nitere shine 2. n. archaic 1 a bovine animal. 2 (as pl.) cattle. Phrases and idioms neat's-foot oil oil made from boiled cow-heel and used to dress leather. Etymology: OE neat f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) аккуратный 2) неразбавленный 3) чистый right neat subset — чистое справа подмножество - in neat handwriting - neat area - neat category - neat cement - neat embedding - neat submanifold ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) бык (Bos) 2) крупный рогатый скот 3) чистый, неразбавленный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. уст. вол; корова; бык neat's leather —- воловья кожа neat's tongue —- говяжий язык 2. собир. крупный рогатый скот 3. чистый, чистоплотный; опрятный, аккуратный neat room —- прибранная комната neat beds —- аккуратно застеленные кровати cats are neat animals —- кошки - животные чистоплотные he was neat in his dress —- он всегда был опрятно одет he keeps his office neat —- он держит свой кабинет в порядке 4. скромный и изящный; ловко сидящий (о платье) 5. стройный, складный (о фигуре) 6. четкий, ясный neat handwriting —- четкий (разборчивый) почерк a neat description —- точное описание neat arrangement of arguments —- четкая (ясная) аргументация to write a neat hand —- иметь хороший почерк 7. лаконичный, отточенный (о языке и т. п.) neat style —- отточенный стиль very neat answer —- ответ, попавший в самую точку 8. хорошо сделанный neat workmanship —- тонкая работа a neat scheme —- продуманный (эффективный) план to make a neat job of smth. —- удачно выполнить что-л. 9. сл. отличный, замечательный that's a neat car! —- вот это потрясающая машина! 10. искусный, ловкий neat worker —- аккуратный работник neat craftsman —- мастер своего дела a neat conjuring trick —- ловкий фокус 11. неразбавленный (особ. о спиртных напитках) to drink one's whisky neat —- пить неразбавленное виски (без воды, льда и т. п.) 12. тех. чистый, без...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  juice натуральный сок NEAT handwriting аккуратный почерк; NEAT I adj.  1) чистый, аккуратный, опрятный; to keep smth. as neat as a pin - содержать что-л. в абсолютном порядке - neat handwriting  2) изящный; neat dress - скромное, но изящное платье; neat figure - изящная, стройная фигура  3) четкий, ясный  4) ясный, точный; лаконичный; отточенный (о стиле, языке и т.п.)  5) искусный, ловкий  6) хорошо сделанный; to make a neat job of it - хорошо, искусно что-л. сделать  7) неразбавленный (особ. о спиртных напитках); - neat juice Syn: see orderly II  1. noun; pl. invar.  1) вол, корова, бык  2) collect. крупный рогатый скот  2. adj. воловий и пр. [см. neat  1. ] ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 1542, from Anglo-Fr. neit, from O.Fr. net "clear, pure," from L. nitidus "gleaming," from nitere "to shine." Informal sense of "very good" first recorded 1934 in Amer.Eng. Sense of "straight liquor" is c.1800, from 16c. meaning "unadulterated wine." Neato is teenager slang, first recorded 1968. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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